About Me

My photo
I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun for Me, Gauze for Daddy

Standing in front of the Perkasie Carousel.

Hersey Park riding the ladybugs and standing next to the measuring wall. I was Hershey Kiss size for the rides.

At Menlo Pool in Perkasie with Grammy and Mommy. I loved it here. (Mommy says they re-did this town pool because it was nothing like this when she was little).

Holly, Grammy, Mommy and Ronnie at Sesame Place

Elmo live show!

Standing next to Elmo's piano.

I am back from Pennsylvania after a wonderful week. The storm clouds finally passed and we actually had some very nice weather. I went to Sesame Place where I saw all of my favorite characters from Sesame Street. I went to the Perkasie Carousel which is a carousel that dates back over 100 years. The wooden horses that were used 100 years ago were replaced in the 1950's with aluminum horses and that is what I rode on this week. There is a certain classic feel to a carousel built during an era without safety considerations. On another day I went to Hershey Park and still another day was spent at the pool. What an exciting week! Mommy even got to see some old friends as they went to dinner one night at a newly built casino in the Lehigh Valley.

While we were having fun Daddy was busy getting his face fixed at home. He is getting older and uglier so Mommy told him to do something about it while we were gone. I spoke to Daddy everyday to see how he was feeling after his surgery. Mommy and I purchased him a new video game to keep him occupied while we were gone and by all accounts, that kept him fairly "busy."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wedding in Pennsylvania

Mommy’s cousin Chris got married last weekend so we traveled to Pennsylvania for a few cheese steaks and a wedding. This was my first wedding ever and it was really cool. During the ceremony we were seated in the front of the church so I got to see what was going on as Daddy explained things to me. The last time I was at that church was during my Christening. It is also the same church where Mommy and Daddy were married.

Daddy explained the symbolism of the candle portion of the ceremony where Chris combined his candle with Heidi’s which according to Daddy means that their lives are effectively over which is the reason why the church also has a cemetery in the back. Daddy is pretty knowledgeable about weddings.

After the ceremony we attended a lovely reception where I ate and danced the night away and chased little boys around the dance floor. I was exhausted when we got home and went right to sleep.

The 2027 National Hockey League Draft

"With the first pick in the 2027 National Hockey League Entry Draft, the New York Rangers select Jaromir Senkiewicz."

We recently found out that Mommy is having a boy. Mommy and Daddy are still working on names but I think it is a pretty safe bet that Jaromir won't be his first name. However, as Daddy said, it is important that we give him a cool name for when he is drafted someday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Little Gym...take two

As you know, the last Little Gym I went to filed for bankruptcy. Without an outlet for my gymnastics training, I turned to home videos. I purchased a home training video of Shawn Johnson but after I got finished eating all of those cupcakes during warmup I didn't feel like working out. Then I tried to purchase a video from the Chinese Gymnastics Federation but they told me that I was already too old and too big to be a gymnast. Frustrated, I encouraged Mommy to find me another Little Gym, preferably a solvent one.

And so Mommy did.....My favorite exercise is the front roll but the balance beam is pretty cool too.

Pictures to follow.

Monday, June 8, 2009

You Can Milk Anything with Nipples

“Psssst. Hey little girl…I have some coupons for Chik-fil-a. Go on, take them….and eat more chicken.”

My friend Tyler and I recently went to Cagle’s Dairy Farm to visit the cows and goats and also take home some delicious chocolate milk. I had a great time although the man giving the tour didn’t seem to like my growth hormone question. We did not actually get to milk any cows but we did get to feed the goats. The baby goats are really cute!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Purple Martin Birds

For those of you that have visited you know that there is metal pole in our garden which was used by the previous owners for holding a Purple Martin Bird house. Daddy wanted to remove the pole this year but Mommy wanted to use the pole for our own Martin Bird house. Mommy and Daddy compromised which means that Mommy bought a Martin Bird house this past weekend. The bird house Mommy purchased required a new pole anyway so I will leave it to you to work through the logic of my beloved parents.

Mommy and Daddy put the bird house together this weekend. It is made out of very sharp sheet metal and the instructions very clearly state that injury can result. That was about the only accurate item in the instructions as Mommy, Daddy, and I ended up with little cuts from this 3 hour exercise. Eventually the bird house was completed and we just put it in our garden this evening. After we were finished, I called to the birds: “Come on birds…come to your house.” I will let you know when the birds come….or when the house falls down.

Anyone else been watching the bachelorette? When that guy with the toe fetish hacks her up don’t tell me I didn’t tell you so first.