About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Time to be Thankful

Thanksgiving table at Grandma and Poppy's house.

Uncle Troy, Ty and I the day before Thanksgiving.

Uncle Tim holding Ty for the first time.

"Different Lorie", that is what I call Uncle Tim's girlfriend. It is hard having an Aunt Lori and then Uncle Tim's girlfriend with the same name!

Grandma, Travis and I made Lifesaver men Christmas decorations after our beautiful turkey dinner. I had a blast with the glue! Thanks for helping me Grandma and Uncle Travis.

Daddy holding Ty.

Aunt Lori holding Ty.

Playing toys with Uncle Travis. He is my best friend!

I am thankful that I have a new brother that I love even though he wakes me up every night.

I am thankful that except for one person, all of my aunts and uncles will be there on Thanksgiving. (Uncles Troy, Tim, Travis and Aunt Lori) I can only assume my uncle Greg will make it up to me.

I am thankful that the Cowboys play the Oakland Raiders this year.

I am thankful my Mommy and Daddy love me very much.

I am thankful Mommy can function on 1 hour of sleep.

I am thankful Poppy and Grandma are going to have us over for dinner on Thanksgiving.

I am thankful that Grammy is coming to visit in a couple of days.

I am thankful that turkeys can run up to 20 MPH.

I am thankful the turkey we have is dead so we do not have to catch him.

I am thankful that Daddy is happy that Steven Seagal has his own show.

I will be thankful when it is canceled after 2 weeks.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

And then there were two Chubbys

At birth, my brother Ty Joseph weighed 8 lbs, 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. According to the birth certificate information Mommy completed, Daddy is the father of my little brother. In addition, the birth certificate application indicates that we intend to get him a social security number and we have declared that he is white/Caucasian. For those wondering, Ty is not short for anything. For those who have the inclination to call him T.J., my advice would be not to do so in front of Mommy.

He came out of the womb screaming and only calmed down when Mommy held him. Mommy did very well and even as they were cutting Ty out of her belly she was directing Daddy to take lots of pictures and video. Believe me, we now have lots of pictures.

Ty likes to eat but he doesn’t sleep more than a couple of hours before he wants to eat again. With all appropriate modesty, I have been very helpful. I remind Mommy when Ty needs to eat; I help change his diaper; I hold and take care of him and calm him down when he cries. On the other hand, Daddy is pretty useless.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Mommy had her toes done for the big day! I had to have my toes painted a nice color too. I chose a lovely red for my fingers and toes. Daddy is so proud that Mommy has passed on her manicure and pedicure routine to me!

We have less than a week to go. Either my brother will come naturally via the stork or he will be carved out of Mommy’s stomach. The preliminary indications are that he is pretty big so we shall see. When I was born it took a long time for me to come out. Daddy tried to film Mommy every hour to chronicle my progress but he stopped after it became apparent that a broken camera and nose was likely if he continued.

I am so excited to see my brother and I have waited so very long. I have read books about how to be a big sister and how to take care of my little brother. I have helped Mommy decorate his room and get his blankets and clothes organized. With all of that, I have to admit that I am a little jealous so I have decided to cope by soiling myself instead of going to the potty. That seems to be getting me some extra attention.

On the day of his birth we will need to get to the hospital very early because it will be a long walk from the lot after Mommy parks the car and carries the bags inside and we want to make sure we get there in plenty of time. Once Mommy gives birth I am going to visit and give my brother a big kiss. Daddy is going to stay with Mommy at the hospital that night and Aunt Lori promised Mommy that she would watch me and I promised Daddy that I would watch Aunt Lori so it is win-win for everybody.