About Me

My photo
I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Monday, December 6, 2010

Top Ten Things I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving

I am thankful that I can enjoy Thanksgiving with Mommy, Daddy, and Ty.

I am thankful that I do not have any Dallas Cowboys on my fantasy football team.

I am thankful Santa is coming soon because this year I really understand what is going on.

I am thankful that Uncle Troy, Uncle Travis, Aunt Lori, Grandma, and Poppy came over for Thanksgiving dinner.

I am thankful Grandma and Poppy got their eyes fixed by the doctor so that they know what Ty and I look like. I am also amazed that they both realized they have eye problems at precisely the same time.

I am thankful that I have wonderful friends to play with.

I am thankful for all of the wonderful food we had on Thanksgiving Day.

I am thankful that I did not get sick like Mommy, Troy, and Daddy.

I am thankful that I do not have to put up the Christmas lights outside.

I am thankful that Daddy does.

Holly helping cook the sweet potatoes.

Holly and Uncle Travis

Holly, Poppy and Uncle Troy
Holly and Aunt Lori

Holly and Grandma

Holly with the Grandma and Poppy

Mommy and Holly

Dinner is ready!

Ty finally got up from his nap to join us for dinner.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Time To Be Thankful

I am thankful that I can enjoy Thanksgiving with Mommy, Daddy, and Ty.

I am thankful that I do not have any Dallas Cowboys on my fantasy football team.

I am thankful Santa is coming soon because this year I really understand what is going on.

I am thankful that Uncle Troy, Uncle Travis, Aunt Lori, Grandma, and Poppy came over for Thanksgiving dinner.

I am thankful Grandma and Poppy got their eyes fixed by the doctor so that they know what Ty and I look like. I am also amazed that they both realized they have eye problems at precisely the same time.

I am thankful that I have wonderful friends to play with.

I am thankful for all of the wonderful food we had on Thanksgiving Day.

I am thankful that I did not get sick like Mommy, Troy, and Daddy.

I am thankful that I do not have to put up the Christmas lights outside.

I am thankful that Daddy does.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Ty!

Ty turned 1 year old last week (Nov 11th). Right now he has 8 teeth and loves to eat his pasta pickups, cheesy shells, peas, and carrots. His favorite stuffed animal is his yellow giraffe. He loves to snuggle with it, bite it, and play with it. Kudos to the good folks at Gund for making such a wonderful stuffed animal….and shame on the good folks at Gund for discontinuing the item. When Ty eventually loses his giraffe, it will be a bad day.

Ty is moving around like a maniac these days and is beginning to stand on his own (hands-free). He seems pretty close to walking – maybe in the next week or so.  He is also a master at climbing up the steps!

Ty's little party for his actual birthday.  Ice cream cake with Mommy, Daddy and me!

Ty loved the ice cream cake.  He really liked the blue icing.

Now that is how you eat a cake people!

Ty's birthday gift from Grandma and Grandpa.  A talking dinosaur!

Ty's hockey cake for his first birthday party with all of our friends and family.

Smash cake for Ty!

What is in here?  Ty really was in the spirit to open gifts and eat the tissue paper.

Ty and Adia opening a gift.

Ty, Aunt Lori and Ella opening gifts.

Mommy's friend Ashley and my friend Presley at the party.

These are some of my favorite people.  Rachel, Aunt Lori and James.   So glad Rachel flew to GA from PA for Ty's party.  We love you!

Mommy's cousin Jessica and me! 

Mommy, Jessica, Great Aunt Janet, Me, Great Aunt Barb and Aunt Lori.  Thanks for making the trip from NC.

Aunt Lori and Ty Guy.

Daddy and Mommy's friend Jon and his little girl Anna Rose (4 months).

Some of my friends at the party.  Lauren, Adia and Ella.

Ty and Oliver checking out the presents.

My friends:  Adia, Lauren, Me and Olivia

Kim and Gabe

Family picture. Yes, this was the best one!

Playroom girl time.

Grandma, Grandpa and Ty
Ty had his hockey themed birthday party last week and all of his friends came. It was a wonderful time. We had a separate cake for him that he smashed to pieces and then another cake for the guests who prefer not to have hands and saliva all over their piece of cake. Thank you to everyone for coming and Happy Birthday to Ty.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I know it has been a while between posts but Daddy has been busy lately. He has been coming home late each night the last couple of months so I decided to tell him about something wonderful I saw while I was watching CNBC. It is called work-life balance. Daddy started laughing when I mentioned the words. He laughed so hard he started crying. He continued to laugh so hard that he actually started to have trouble breathing. Then he peed in his pants. When he stopped convulsing Daddy explained that work-life balance is an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp, metal woods, or loving wife.

Halloween was wonderful this year. We carved a pumpkin and roasted the seeds. They tasted terrible by the way. I dressed up as Dorothy and Ty dressed up as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. I was very a pretty Dorothy if I do say so myself, and Ty was a very angry Tin Man. Ty has two additional teeth coming in which made him a bit unhappy during Trick or Treating. Mommy and Daddy did not dress up this year. Interestingly enough though, several people remembered Mommy dressed up as a pregnant nun last year.

Anyway, it took me a little while to build up the courage to say “Trick or Treat” at the first couple of houses but I finally managed to get into the swing of things. I got tired quickly though and we came home after 8 or 9 houses. After we got home I helped Daddy pass out candy to the older kids wandering through the neighborhood.