About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Good friends and good times

Okay, I am back - Pennsylvania was wonderful except for all of those Eagles fans. Boy, they are an obnoxious bunch. I spent nearly all of my time with family and saw as many people as I possibly could and even still I missed a few people that I wanted to see. Mommy separated the pictures into two groups so please take a look at both sets. You can see me with Aunt Barb, Michael, Grammy, Riley (puppy), Grandpa, Uncle Greg, and Great Aunt Shirley. You can also see me playing with my friend Braeden. I had to head-butt him once to get one of my toys back but you can see that we quickly made up. Mommy also had her picture taken with Stacey. They kept drinking apple juice out of those fancy glasses??

One of the pictures shows me with a bottle of Wild Turkey. My friends tell me that this is not an original joke and it has happened to them as well. That is, at some point during the first year of one's life some adult will invariably stick a liquor bottle in front of you thinking that they have invented comedy with this little prank. Well, I suppose this was my time. Bravo adults!

While I was gone my beloved Yankees were eliminated from the postseason but the Cowboys are playing well. Also, hockey season started which is really what Daddy and I get excited for. Speaking of Daddy, I spoke to him several times while we were away. He was also away as he spent a few days in South Carolina playing golf with Grandpa Joe and a bunch of other people.

While it was nice to be away, I am glad that I am home. I missed Daddy and my puppy Monty. By the way, I am finally starting to move around a little – not yet crawling but I am able to slink myself a few feet here and there.

Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin patch. Halloween is coming soon and I understand that we need pumpkins and costumes to ward off the evil spirits that will come to our house on the eve of November 1st. Most others who come to visit will get candy. The hooligans will get pepper spray.

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