About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yard Work

This spring I have joined Daddy working in the yard. Recently, I helped him spread some pine straw in the garden. That was a good time. Right now, however, my skills are limited to this task. I am not allowed to cut things because I may hurt myself. I am not allowed to spray the chemicals because Daddy says he doesn’t want a full-grown, three foot daughter. I am not allowed to go near the roses because they have sharp needles. I am not allowed to cut the lawn because that enormous machine is too big for me to push. However, these are all things I have to look forward to when I get older. See the picture below – no that’s not Augusta National Golf Club. I know it is an easy mistake but that is our yard.

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