About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I need a daily planner!

I love playing with my friends. As you can see from the pictures below we have lots of fun together. We went to Suzuki Village, a place that has absolutely nothing to do with Japanese automobiles. Instead, there were lots of games and activities for us.

I also went to a “messy” party where we did all sorts of “messy” activities. Obviously, we would never have a messy party at our house - Can you imagine Mommy letting me run around with a brush full of yellow paint here?

Events from last week: "Messy Party" with my MOPS group (Mother's of Pre-Schoolers), Hanging out with my playgroup at "Suzuki Village", and playing with friends from my "MOPS" group at a gym called "Play"- they had the trampoline and parachute.

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