About Me

My photo
I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fat Boy

Long live the Chubby Chronicles! My brother Ty had his two-month appointment at the doctor’s office and he has ballooned up to 14.5 lbs, putting him in the 94th percentile (still way below my pace). He got off to a rough start only weighing about 10lbs after his first month but bounced back nicely in the 2nd month living up to the high expectations of the Chubby Chronicles. His head size and height are way down in the 50th-60th percentile so right now he is tracking toward a body make-up of portly…which is better known as short and fat.

I forgot to mention that we had some snow a couple of weeks back so I took advantage of things and went out to make a snowman. It turns out, however, that one cannot make a snowman with 1/16th of an inch of snow. Actually, all I was able to do was make a couple of snowballs and chase Daddy around the yard. When I missed I quickly retrieved my errant throw because down here in the south we must re-use our snowballs.

Daddy’s annual bout of depression following the end of the Cowboys season began on Sunday. No further words are needed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday Girl

I turned 3 last week which and had a wonderful party with my friends at The Little Gym where we jumped, rolled, and ran around the gym. We also had pizza from the new and improved Domino’s (love those commercials) and a cake that the Cake Boss would have been proud of. Thank you to all of my friends who were able to come – I appreciate it very much.

After the party, Mommy, Uncle Greg, Aunt Lori, Ty, and I drove up to North Carolina to see Great Grammy and Great Poppy. Daddy stayed home to watch the Great Cowboys! Daddy is happy now but I have seen this story before and I know how it ends – with Daddy crying on the floor.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Santa Rocks!

I was sound asleep but Daddy told me that the sled landed on our roof and Santa slid down the chimney without making a peep. He carefully placed my toys around the tree and ate the two cookies I left for him while his reindeer grazed on the magic oats I left for them outside.

Contrary to Daddy’s story, Mommy told me that Santa sat on his fat a$$ all night. He ate my cookies and finished another dozen or so while his fingers got tired playing Xbox. Mrs. Claus wrapped the gifts and left them under the tree while Santa slept.

I wish Mommy and Daddy would get their stories together. Nonetheless, Christmas was wonderful. I got lots of wonderful toys and I spent a lot of time playing with my toys and my family.

Happy New Year!