About Me

My photo
I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lessons to be learned

I dance and I swim. I have started a new slew of lessons in the water and also on the dance floor. On top of this I sometimes do P90X with Daddy so I am getting stronger too. In the water I am showing great improvement getting over my anxiety and learning to float, paddle, and kick. On the dance floor I am becoming more graceful.

Ms Kimberlee is about to dunk me under the water.  I DO NOT like this part but am getting better at it.

Tyler and I having a snack after swim lessons.  You can see we are still a little wet after our big lesson.

Waiting for class to start!  This is one of my new ballet outfits.  I like this fluffy tutu.

I am the one on the left next to Miss Julie, my teacher.  My hair is in the cute bun for class.

My friend Leah and I after ballet class.

After dance class I am very tired!

Oliver (Tyler's brother) and Ty waiting while Tyler and I take swim lessons.

Ty and Owen (Gavin's brother) at McDonald's after swim class.

Ty turned 10 months old on the 11th of Sept!!!

The running joke in our house is that by the time Daddy gets around to writing the blog announcing that Ty is another month old, Ty is pretty close to the next month. Well, Ty has passed the 10 month mark and in a couple of weeks will be 11 months old. He has become quite mobile and therefore has not been putting on weight at an accelerated rate as he once was. His mobility means that he can get to Daddy's computer and more importantly, the television remote controls. He also looks like he is anxious to take a few steps. He has been pulling himself up a lot and standing (with assistance).

Our house has also become a little bit of a gender experiment. I am totally a girl. I like princesses, and dresses, and pink and purple, and I am loving and emotional. On the other hand, Ty is “all boy”. He lives life by a simple philosophy. If he can’t eat it, he tries to kill it. Things either go into his mouth or they are designated for smashing.

Friday, September 10, 2010

This, that and the other stuff!

As the summer winds down I wanted to share some recent photos of Ty and I in action.  I had lots of fun with my friends this summer but soon it will be time to put away the swim suits, gas up the snowblower, and get ready for a long Georgia winter.  For those keeping score Ty is officially crawling around and getting into more things.  He loves the playroom.  Incidentally, we have decided to change the color of the playroom from purple to orange to make it more neutral.  Daddy has some concerns about the long term effect of a purple playroom.  I couldn't hear what Mommy and Daddy were discussing but he made mention of Boy George's name several times.  Thank goodness for the internet because I didn't know who that is.  Anyway, Mommy and Daddy have been haggling over shades of orange the last couple of weeks.  Soon the painting will begin.  

Gavin and I at P.L.A.Y in Alpharetta (a kid's gym).
Ty just playing with his toys in the kitchen.
Walking "Big Monty". 
Olivia and I at Grandma and Grandpa's pool.  Great fun!
A glass of milk and a snack would be good right now.
At Gavin's house with Tyler, Oliver, Ty and Owen.  Thanks for having us over.
Bath time!  Ty and I love to splash the water and get Mommy wet.
Ty trying to learn a thing or two from me.  Watch and learn little brother.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bueller... Bueller...

I have started school again, this year for 4 days a week. I have an old friend in my class, Cadence, and have met many new friends. Every one of my classmates has something in common. That is, they are all tiny people compared to me. Take a look at the photo below. That is a photo my teacher (Ms. Michele) sent to all of the parents. See how we are lined up like inmates! What do you think the other parents said when they saw this picture? “Who is the 6 year old in my child’s class?”

Mommy takes me to school nearly all of the time but Daddy has taken me once which occurred during the first week of school. We got there a little early that day and the doors were not open yet. There was a noticeable silence in the air as I held my bag in one arm and Daddy’s hand in the other. Ty was trying to get anyone’s attention by yelling and waving but nobody turned around. When the doors opened everyone funneled into the school. There were a few Daddys taking their kids to school but it was mostly a mix of young, tan, Mommies ready to spend the morning on the tennis court combined with older Mommies worn and hardened from years of raising multiple kids with the help of vodka.

As we made our way to my classroom, the hallway started to get crowded with children as certain kids became hesitant about going to school. We could hear some Mommies saying to their kids: “now we discussed this at home….you need to go to school today”. Other kids were less brave as they cried hysterically. When we finally reached my classroom I stood there quitely amongst the chaos around me. I turned and gave Daddy a kiss and made my way into the classroom. I cried very briefly but then had a wonderful day at school. It has been fun every since.