About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Friday, September 10, 2010

This, that and the other stuff!

As the summer winds down I wanted to share some recent photos of Ty and I in action.  I had lots of fun with my friends this summer but soon it will be time to put away the swim suits, gas up the snowblower, and get ready for a long Georgia winter.  For those keeping score Ty is officially crawling around and getting into more things.  He loves the playroom.  Incidentally, we have decided to change the color of the playroom from purple to orange to make it more neutral.  Daddy has some concerns about the long term effect of a purple playroom.  I couldn't hear what Mommy and Daddy were discussing but he made mention of Boy George's name several times.  Thank goodness for the internet because I didn't know who that is.  Anyway, Mommy and Daddy have been haggling over shades of orange the last couple of weeks.  Soon the painting will begin.  

Gavin and I at P.L.A.Y in Alpharetta (a kid's gym).
Ty just playing with his toys in the kitchen.
Walking "Big Monty". 
Olivia and I at Grandma and Grandpa's pool.  Great fun!
A glass of milk and a snack would be good right now.
At Gavin's house with Tyler, Oliver, Ty and Owen.  Thanks for having us over.
Bath time!  Ty and I love to splash the water and get Mommy wet.
Ty trying to learn a thing or two from me.  Watch and learn little brother.

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