Ty is now two years old. Here are his current stats:
Weight: 35 pounds, 7.5 oz (98%ile)
Height: 37 1/4 inches (97%ile)
Head: 50.5 cm (89%ile)
The little boy who loves his little giraffe had a…ummm, giraffe party. Actually, it was more of a jungle theme but the beautiful and elegant giraffe was certainly the featured animal. Anyway, Ty doesn’t have a ton of friends so a lot of my friends came over and we played outside in our backyard, broke stuff, ate lunch, and then sang Happy Birthday to my little brother. In the days leading up to his party we taught Ty how to sing Happy Birthday and as it turns out he really loves the song. He would sing it during the day, to himself at night, and with about 30 people looking at him on his big day, he sang it with everyone else. Happy 2nd birthday Ty. We all love you very much.
Holy Sh**! Did I mention that Uncle Greg visited for Ty's birthday? Ty and I had so much fun playing with him. After we went home, I bet he missed the 500 times each day he heard “Uncle Greg, Uncle Greg”.