About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Halloween 2011 - Alice in Wonderland

This year we went with a family theme for Halloween.  We all dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland.  Naturally I was Alice and Mommy was the Queen of Hearts but we were also able to get Daddy to be the Mad Hatter and Ty to go as the White Rabbit.  Ty was a little nervous at first but he quickly understood that every time we went to a house we got candy…..and Ty LOVES chocolate so this was very exciting to him.  Ty’s enthusiasm gave me a little more confidence as well so together we went to every house and yelled “Trick or Treat”!  

You can also see some of our October trips to the pumpkin patch, a Halloween party for school and a party at my friend Tyler's house.     

I made these masks for my best friends.  Yes, we are at McDonald's.  A perfect place to give your friends a gift and then play.  (Kerrington, Tyler, Me, Kiersten and Oliver.  You can see Ty's head but he didn't want to be in the picture.

Uncle Shuck's Pumpkin Patch with Tyler and Oliver.  

Gavin and Ty at the corn maze.

Holly and Ty!

Trying to get all six kids to sit for a picture.

Sitting but not all looking at the camera.  


Holly and Owen in the kid maze.

Holly and Kiersten

At Tyler pumpkin carving party.

Friends.... LeeAnn and Pam (Kiersten's Mom and Gavin's Mom)

Tyler had me get all the gross stuff out of his pumpkin!  I loved it!

Looking for the moon.

Halloween parade at pre-school.  This is me with my teacher, Miss Nancy.


Alice and the Queen of Hearts

The white rabbit plus a chocolate bar.

The Mad Hatter with Alice

After we went trick or treating we waited for kids to come to the door to give them candy.  FUN!

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