About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ty is a growing little man.

Ty had his 18th month check up recently and he dominated. He weighs 32 lbs which puts him in the 95th percentile and his height is 32 inches which puts him in the 90th percentile. He refers to Mommy as “Mama”; Daddy as “Da Da”; Holly as “Ha Ha”; and Monty as “Ta”. He loves cheese and “cha cha” (chocolate) but still his favorite thing in the world is his Gund Huggybuddy Giraffe. Mommy has become so afraid of losing the giraffe that she spent considerable time and effort trying to find another one just in case. Unfortunately they have discontinued the giraffe so Mommy had to resort to Ebay and buy another one for an amount of money she refuses to disclose to Daddy.

He loves bath time, splashing around and yelling for the bubbles. He loves it so much that he usually doesn’t want to come out of the tub. Once out he runs around naked like a little maniac. It doesn’t take long but if all of the sudden he stops to look down at his you know what, that means he is about to pee on the floor.
Ty recently had his first haircut as Mommy couldn’t stand the hockey mullet he was developing. He was a really good boy during his haircut and now he looks like a little man.
This is a great toy but Ty wasn't sure about it at first.  He likes it now but won't roll around the yard in it like I will.

Being a great helper and holding Mommy's phone and iced coffee.

My pup pup and Ty.

First real haircut!

A little Chick-Fil-A after Ty's haircut.

Fun in the backyard.

Cagles Dairy Farm

Gummy worms... yummy!

Feeding the goats at the dairy farm.

Atlanta Zoo with my favorite Ty Guy.

Grandma and Grandpa's pool on a hot summer day.

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