About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

I am thankful that my brother Ty is growing up so we can play together.

I am less thankful that Daddy is still growing up physically…and mentally.

I am thankful that I will be able to spend Thanksgiving with my family.

I am thankful that Ty and I have lots of friends to play with.

I am thankful that we will be setting up all of the Christmas lights and ornaments just after Thanksgiving.

Mommy and Daddy are thankful that I am still of the age where I want to help with this.

I am thankful that Mommy and Daddy took Ty and I to see Santa. 

I will be thankful when I get everything I asked for – trucks for Ty and for me – makeup, Barbie dolls, a rabbit, and a hamster.

I am thankful Santa will get these items for us because Mommy and Daddy have maintained that they are not running a bleeping zoo.

Most of all, Ty and I are thankful for our Mommy, Daddy, and the rest of our family in Georgia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New York, and California.

Thanksgiving pre-school songs and feast.  Don't I look thrilled?

Songs are over and now I am ready to eat with Mommy at the feast.

Big Monty wondering if he will get any leftovers.

Grandpa checking out the table before dinner.  Everyone had five paper leaves on their plate.  They had to write five things they were thankful for and then tie them to the two trees on the table.  We filled the trees pretty nicely by the end of dinner.  Lots to be thankful for in my life!

I am sort of a camera hog.  Grandma and Aunt Lori are enjoying some appetizers before turkey dinner.

I love helping Daddy cook.

Aunt Lori and Mommy on turkey day.
Grandma and me at the table after some good food.

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