About Me

My photo
I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

Daddy's 36th birthday, I mean... 29th birthday.

The "Ring Ding" cake Mommy had for Daddy's birthday was awesome.

In NC at Ghost Town amusement park with Mommy and Aunt Lori.

Grammy and I having a shake at Great Grammy and Great Poppy's house.

Great Poppy's birthday party at Aunt Barb and Uncle Talmadge's house.

I had a busy week as I was gathering up all of my old toy cars and lugging them to Toys R Us to exchange them for government cash toward the purchase of new toy cars. As it turns out I wasted a lot of time this week because to my dismay when I got to the store I learned that the program only applies to big cars.

On Saturday, Mommy, Grammy, and I went to Asheville to visit Great Poppy for his birthday…not to be confused with Poppy here in Georgia or Vitamin S enriched Big Papi in Boston. Happy Birthday Great Poppy!!! - I love you.

We left Daddy at home to work on his golf swing which has caused him great frustration and stress all summer. Actually, Daddy also had a birthday recently. He turned 29 again. I gave Daddy a few beautiful pictures of myself so he could take them to work and impress people.

The wheels on the bus go round and round as school begins this week. I will be going to pre-school soon and this year I will be going 2 days per week. Mommy and Daddy are attending “Meet the Teacher” at my school later this week to see how cute my teacher is….and Daddy says they will request a new teacher if necessary.

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