About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Santa and Mrs. Claus came to my school last week. Mrs. Claus read stories to us kids while Mr. Claus posed for pictures and took toy requests. I suspect that the Claus family moved to the “south” pole this year because Mrs. Claus had a distinct southern accent reading stories about baby Jesus…or maybe back then everyone was “fixin to” do certain things.

I am not a big fan of sitting on Santa’a lap but this was Ty’s first time seeing Santa and he needed my help so I was a big girl and sat there with him. You can see Grammy in one of the pictures – she came to visit me during the past week and took care of Ty and I.

Speaking of Ty, he is growing like a little weed. Right now his favorite things to do are eat and cry and when he is finished doing that he then likes to eat and cry, and after that he likes to….(what do you think?)

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