About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Card War II

“Your company kill off all them people in India not long ago?” – Cousin Eddie Johnson

A few weeks ago we had pictures taken, one of which was destined to become the picture used for our family Christmas Card. Recently, the pictures came back and Mommy showed Daddy the card that was made which consisted of a large beautiful picture of Ty and I….and a smaller picture of the entire family. Daddy does not like his picture taken nor does he like it in the form of a card so he was not happy with the card. And there lies the fundamental disagreement between Mommy and Daddy. Daddy believes that the Christmas card should only have a picture of Ty and I and Mommy likes the family element.

So how do normal people resolve a difference of opinion? I have no idea – I live with Mommy and Daddy. What Mommy and Daddy do, however, is take all of the Christmas and Holiday cards they have received to date and tape them on the pantry door in the kitchen. Each night, Mommy and Daddy count the number of cards which show the entire family of our friends and those cards showing only the beloved offspring of the card givers.

Unfortunately for Mommy, Daddy is winning. Winning what?….I have no idea. …but that hasn’t stopped the chanting and arm waving each night.

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