About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Autumn Blues

I have been a little under the weather the last few days. It started on Thursday and by Friday I was pretty miserable. I slept about one hour on Friday night and was up the entire day on Saturday. I had a little fever but mainly I had a cold and some congestion which caused me to feel pretty blue. On Saturday night Grandma and Grandpa came over to baby-sit me and I finally zonked out at 11:30PM only to wake up again at 1:30AM when Mommy and Daddy got home. However, this time I did manage to fall asleep again and I am happy to report that I am feeling much better today.

Mommy and Daddy went to Wild Bill’s last night to see Miranda Lambert with my friend Olivia’s parents – Uncle John and Aunt Mary. I believe Daddy is going to need surgery to reattach his eye balls back into their sockets. Those of you from the Atlanta area probably don’t need further explanation.

We recently had a little incident here at The Chubby Chronicles. We had a comment posted last week that was slightly cryptic and anonymous. That is a bad combination for Daddy and made him raise the level on his crazy person warning system to Code Orange. However, a few days later he was relieved to learn that the anonymous poster was actually a friend. To protect this person’s identity, we’ll just call her Tina (because that’s her name). Anyway, we are out of lockdown mode.

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