About Me

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I was born in January 2007. I am eight and have two brothers. Ty is five years old and Chase is 8 months old.

Family picture 2014

Family picture 2014

Friday, November 30, 2007

Walk like an Egyptian

Mommy has been teaching me how to walk this week. I don’t want to exaggerate my progress since I cannot stand without holding on to something but if Mommy holds my hands I can walk my chubby thighs across the room. My steps are getting better – at first it looked like I was goose-stepping across the room like a North Korean soldier. Now I look a little more coordinated.

Mommy has begun to make it harder for me to get into things. Mommy put a gate at my bedroom door that prevents me from tumbling down the stairs. Also, about a week ago the cabinets in the kitchen became impossible for me to get into. It’s like it happened overnight – one day I could open the cabinets and help organize things and then the next day I couldn’t open them. There must be a trick though because I notice that Mommy can open them. And then there are those little holes in the wall that our lights plug into. Mommy has put little plastics discs on these making it impossible for me to put my little fingers in.

Tomorrow we have a busy day. We are going to the gym in the morning and then Daddy and I are going to hang out and watch a hockey game in the afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over tomorrow evening to baby-sit while Mommy and Daddy go out to dinner.

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